Vol. 2, Issue 8, Part H (2016)
Growth of agriculture productivity of Odisha in post liberalization period
Growth of agriculture productivity of Odisha in post liberalization period
Aurobinda Bej
AbstractAgriculture is the mainstay of Odisha People where 60% of the population of the state directly depend on Agriculture for employment, income and raw materials to the Industrial sector. Last few years, though Odisha Agriculture exhibits better performance but still it lags behind in comparison to Indian Agriculture. Odisha is a state of frequent natural calamities and old and orthodox method of cultivation, so its agriculture needs a vibrant change.
The total cultivable land of the state is 61.8 lakh hectare approximately and the average annual rainfall of the state is 1455 mm. which is erratic and irregular. The cultivable land of cereals and food grain is reducing day by day. Though pulses area cultivation is reducing but it started increasing after 2006-07. Oil seeds cultivation is reducing all along the study period. But the production of cereals is increasing from 58.5 lakh M.T. of 1990 to 77 lakh M.T. in 2010-11. But rice production experiences increasing trend all along the study period. Food grain production has a increasing trend. The productivity of cereals shows increasing trend starting from 1181 kg. of 1991 to 1652 kg. In 2010-11. Pulses productivity shows decreasing trend from 561kg of 1990-91 to 481 kg. of 2010-11. Oil seeds productivity experiences decreasing trend from 821 kg. of 1991-91 to all time low of 142 kg. in 1995-96 but after that it started increasing trend of 828kg.per hectare Food Grain also experiences increasing trend from 1990-91 to 2010-11 except few years due to natural calamities.
The decadal analysis of area cultivation explains different things. The growth of cereal cultivation experiences negative trend and other crops mixed trend. The production of different crops show positive growth except the decade of 1991-2001. The productivity of different crops also show positive growth except 3rd decade i.e. 1991-2001.
How to cite this article:
Aurobinda Bej. Growth of agriculture productivity of Odisha in post liberalization period. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(8):500-503.