Vol. 2, Issue 8, Part H (2016)
E-banking service in P.S.Bs: A perceptional analysis of customers
E-banking service in P.S.Bs: A perceptional analysis of customers
Hamed Mohajeri and Dr. DS Leelavathi
Information Technology (IT) nowadays has impact on almost all the fields; banking industry too has been influenced by the emergence of information technology. Financial system, all over the world has been rapidly undergoing technological change in the past two-three decades. The banks in India have effectively deploying IT in the post liberalization era as a strategic means to achieve speed, efficiency, cost reduction, customer service and competitive advantage and provide best services to their customers. These services provide the customers with anytime and anywhere access to their accounts. In this above background, the present study has been made an attempt to study the problems faced by the customers while using the E- banking services provided by the public sector banks in Mysore district and to offer valuable suggestions to the service providers and to the customers to improve the e-banking services in the public sector banks in Mysore district. The present study is mainly based on the primary data. The study shows that the majority of customers are facing problems while using e banking services in public sector banks in the study area like State Bank of Mysore, Indian Oversease Bank, Vijaya Bank and Corporation banks. These banks haveto work hard to achieve their goal through offering the best services for the customers as per their expectations proper awareness should be created through advertisement in the audio visual media.
How to cite this article:
Hamed Mohajeri, Dr. DS Leelavathi. E-banking service in P.S.Bs: A perceptional analysis of customers. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(8):527-532.