Vol. 2, Issue 9, Part I (2016)
Trend analysis of return on securities of selected banking and non-banking institutions’ in India
Trend analysis of return on securities of selected banking and non-banking institutions’ in India
Dr. P Chellasamy and Sreekrishnan P
This study aims to estimate the trend of share price return of selected financial institutions in India. The objectives of this study is to check whether the return from the security price is stationary or not and to find out the trend of the selected financial institutional securities in India. For the study, thirty three financial institutions were selected from banking and non-banking institutions. The study applied Augmented Dickey Fuller Unit Root Test for checking the stationary of the security price series; least square method is used to find the share prices trend. The unit root test found out that the return on share price is stationary. The trend analysis found out that the private banks are better when compared to public sector banks. In NBFC, housing and lease & hire purchase shows improved performance than any other classifications.
How to cite this article:
Dr. P Chellasamy, Sreekrishnan P. Trend analysis of return on securities of selected banking and non-banking institutions’ in India. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(9):632-635.