Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part C (2017)
Limnological profile of Sonvad project dam of Dhule district of Maharashtra, India
Limnological profile of Sonvad project dam of Dhule district of Maharashtra, India
Jain Devendra Shantilal, Aher Nimba Hari and Pawar Nanabhau Shamrao
India is rich in its aquatic resources, both fresh water and marine. In Maharashtra very few workers have paid attention on Limnological aspects of algae from lotic and lentic water habitats. Limnological profile of Sonvad project dam was carried out by studying algal and physic-chemical analysis of water. Samples were collected at monthly interval during Feb.2010 to Jan.2011 for one year and analyzed nineteen Physico-chemical parameters related to water from three stations of Sonvad project dam of Dhule. The quantitative and qualitative study of four groups of algae viz. Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenineae was made. An attempt was made to find out the relationship of algal communities and Physico-chemical parameters of dam.
How to cite this article:
Jain Devendra Shantilal, Aher Nimba Hari, Pawar Nanabhau Shamrao. Limnological profile of Sonvad project dam of Dhule district of Maharashtra, India. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(1):174-176.