Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part G (2017)
Proposed scheme to handle intrusion detection in manet
Proposed scheme to handle intrusion detection in manet
Ritu Jaglan and Dr. Swantatar
MANETs are self-organising, infrastructureless spontaneous network and provides high degree of flexibility to its user. Security is the major concern among various research issues of MANETs. The paper proposes an algorithm for recovery from intruder based on AODV protocol. The intruder can be hacker from outside or within the MANET. The attack considered is direct or active. An algorithm has been proposed which takes care of intruder. Within the repair phase the proposed scheme is able to rectify the existing scheme and takes care of various metrics used for adhoc network like packet delivery ratio, throughput and average-delay produced.
How to cite this article:
Ritu Jaglan, Dr. Swantatar. Proposed scheme to handle intrusion detection in manet. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(1):533-537.