Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part L (2017)
An conceptual study on employer branding in Indian organizations
An conceptual study on employer branding in Indian organizations
Maria Tresita Paul V and Dr. S Kanthimathi
Employer branding is a relatively new discipline in which the organization creates a unique, positive and recognizable position as an attractive workplace among present and future employees’ (Seldorf, 2008). According to Seldorf, ‘employer branding can be seen as a melting pot of HR (employer) and marketing (branding). Like actual product branding, organizations have started to invest employer branding as employees are the internal customers of the firm. The employer brand builds an image confirming the organization as a good place to work. Today, an effective employer brand is essential for competitive advantage. A recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) study on employer branding revealed that over 67% of organizations view employer branding as a strategic recruiting tool to gain a competitive advantage to attract top talent, and 49% identified the employer brand as one of the top five strategic initiatives for their firm in the next year. Currently, the focus of Employer Branding research is mainly targeted towards recruiting. However, Employer Branding also entails branding activities to existing employees and former employees.
How to cite this article:
Maria Tresita Paul V, Dr. S Kanthimathi. An conceptual study on employer branding in Indian organizations. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(1):861-865.