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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A (2017)

A pharmaceutical study of Bharangiguda Avaleha prepared by two different processes and its efficacy on Tamaka Shwasa

A pharmaceutical study of Bharangiguda Avaleha prepared by two different processes and its efficacy on Tamaka Shwasa

Dr. Alpesh Thobhanbhai Jarsania and Dr. Nipa A. Jarsania
Today man has achieved high peaks in the field of medicine with the development of various techniques. However, “Ayurveda” the ancient Indian system of medicine, which has its roots in Vedas is still enjoying high profile in serving man-kind. All the time less theories of Ayurveda is availed to the patient only by means of Bhaishajya Kalpana. Avaleha Kalpana is the formulation, which is efficacious as well as preferred by the patients and thence, in the present study, two different samples of Bharangiguda Avaleha was prepared following two different processes as mentioned in Chakradatta 12/25-30 and Iatro Chemistry of Ayurveda by Bhagvandas based on Ayurveda Saukhya of Todarananda citing Acharya Gopura Rakshita at 1/301, Pg. No. 70

- एक द्वित्रि श्रृतं कृत्वा दापयेद् गुणवृध्ध्ये।।

In this present clinical study, total numbers of 106 patients of Tamaka Shwasa Roga from OPD & IPD of I.P.G.T. & R.A., Jamnagar were registered and divided in three groups randomly. In Group A patients were treated with Bharangiguda Avaleha-I, in Group B patients were treated with Bharangiguda Avaleha-II and in Group C Bharangi Churna was given as control drug. Bharangiguda Avaleha-I & II, each were advised 12 g b.i.d with lukewarm water for 30 days & Bharangi Churna, given 3 g b.i.d for 30 days. Follow up for all the entire test drugs was 30 days. The effect on the signs and symptoms were assessed before and after treatment noted and also assessed by a specially prepared proforma. It was found that Bharangiguda Avaleha-I treated patients show better result in the disease Tamaka Shwasa.
Pages: 16-23  |  1288 Views  172 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Dr. Alpesh Thobhanbhai Jarsania, Dr. Nipa A. Jarsania. A pharmaceutical study of Bharangiguda Avaleha prepared by two different processes and its efficacy on Tamaka Shwasa. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(2):16-23.
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