Vol. 3, Special Issue 3, Part F (2017)
Dynamics of chlorophyceae in phytoplankton of Lake Muchhi Pandharkwada Maharashtra
Dynamics of chlorophyceae in phytoplankton of Lake Muchhi Pandharkwada Maharashtra
SH Shende
Phytoplankton study was carried out in muchhi lake from Jan 2013 to Feb 2012 chlorophyceal was the found in abundance from in mucchi lake 60% of phytoplane i.e. clorophyceal found in total amounts of phytopolankton desity. The class was represens 10 genera and choloroco ceals was the dominant carder cholorphy cease presentage and chlorophy leaf alage was observed in the month of Feburary 2013 in camparisum with total presentage of phytoplanteses cholorphy leafe in month of March 2013. Pediastrum 5 pp was observed to be consisten and dominant genera in comprism chlorophyceare. It has high percentage of Temperature, light preneration dissoloved oxygen and total alkasinity sendede much 5 pp and cconsamrioum 5pp are also occure in mucchi lake.
How to cite this article:
SH Shende. Dynamics of chlorophyceae in phytoplankton of Lake Muchhi Pandharkwada Maharashtra . Int J Appl Res 2017;3(3S):160-161.