Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part L (2017)
Effectiveness of self-care instructional module for patient undergoing open abdominal hysterectomy
Effectiveness of self-care instructional module for patient undergoing open abdominal hysterectomy
Ms. Archana Bhatti, Dr. Avinash Kaur Rana, Mrs. V Venkadalakshmi and Dr. Pooja Sikka
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of self-care instructional module on self-care activities for patients undergoing open abdominal hysterectomy. Total 80 subjects were recruited, 40 each in experimental and control group. To all the 40 subjects of experimental group a copy of instructional module was handed over with detailed explanation of all the post-operative self-care instructions prior to their surgery. Any query asked by them was properly replied and while giving instructions it was taken care of that the patient as well as the attendant was present. To the control group no self-care instructional module was given and they received only routine care. Post-operative a checklist was completed by observation and asking questions if need be, to the patient. The Ethics Committee of Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India approved the study. As far as self-care activities were concerned a significant difference (p < 0.001) between the experimental and control group was observed on almost all the days of hospital. The findings of the study reflect that the self-care instructional module is an effective media to increase the performance of self care activities, post abdominal hysterectomy and enhance the early recovery of the subjects.
How to cite this article:
Ms. Archana Bhatti, Dr. Avinash Kaur Rana, Mrs. V Venkadalakshmi, Dr. Pooja Sikka. Effectiveness of self-care instructional module for patient undergoing open abdominal hysterectomy. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(4):788-793.