Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part B (2017)
Effectiveness of information booklet on health compliance among adults
Effectiveness of information booklet on health compliance among adults
B Kalpana, B Vanaja Kumari and Indira S
AbstractObjectives: 1. to assess the pre and post test level of Health compliance among adults 2. To determine the effectiveness Information booklet on health seeking behaviour among adults 3. To associate Pre-test level of Health compliance among adults with their selected socio demographic variables
Methodology: An evaluative study was done by using one group pre and post test design with sample size of 50 adults, sample were selected by using simple random Sampling technique, Semi structured questionnaire were used to assess the pre-test level of health compliance among adults and an information booklet was provided and post test level of health compliance was assessed.
Results: Paired t test calculated value was 16.52 at P<0.01 where as table value was 2.76 at p<0.01.
Conclusion: The study revealed that adults were improved their level of health compliance in health seeking behaviour with information booklet.
How to cite this article:
B Kalpana, B Vanaja Kumari, Indira S. Effectiveness of information booklet on health compliance among adults. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(5):101-103.