A descriptive study on practices related to self-protection against Hepatitis C among nurses in civil hospital phase 6, Ajitgarh, 2013-2014
A descriptive study on practices related to self-protection against Hepatitis C among nurses in civil hospital phase 6, Ajitgarh, 2013-2014
Pallavi Pathania and Jyoti
Hepatitis C is caused by Hepatitis C virus or blood borne virus. Exposure to infected blood and body fluids is the main route of transmission of Hepatitis C virus. Practices regarding the self-protection of HCV transmission to patients for nurses by implementing universal precaution. The present study was on the ‘practices related to self-protection against Hepatitis C’ among nurses in Civil Hospital Phase 6, Ajitgarh, 2013-2014 and 40 nurses were interviewed, from where nurses were drawn who were working in emergency department, General wards (male, female, paediatric, private wards), hemodialysis unit, Gyne ward (labour room, postnatal ward), and de-addiction ward, operation theatre. The study aim was to assess and describe practices related to self-protection against Hepatitis C among nurses working in Civil Hospital Phase 6. Total study subjects were 40 nurses. Written Permission was obtained from the head of hospital and verbal consent was taken from the study subjects before conducting the study. Interview schedule were formulated and validated by various experts. Data was collected through interview schedule. The data obtained were compiled, tabulated and analysed using by descriptive and inferential statically methods. The data showed the frequency and percentage distribution of socio demographic variables. Data presented in table showed, 2.5 % were male and 97.5% females. 42.5% study subjects were under 25-35 years of age, 50% study subjects were in 35-45 year of age, 7.5% study subjects were under >45 year of age. 95% study subjects had professional qualification in G.N.M, 2.5% in post basic nursing and 2.5% study subjects in M.sc nursing. It was found, no socio demographic variables impacted on nurses’ level of practices related to self-protection against Hepatitis C’ among nurses. The study results revealed, staff nurses had good practice>75% were only 12 (30%), fair practice level were 50-75% only 28 (70%) and none of them had poor practice. No significant association was observed between practices scores of staff nurses with selected socio demographic variable. The conclusion of study is nurse had good practices and fair practices related to self-protection against Hepatitis C among nurses and none of them had poor practice.
How to cite this article:
Pallavi Pathania, Jyoti. A descriptive study on practices related to self-protection against Hepatitis C among nurses in civil hospital phase 6, Ajitgarh, 2013-2014. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(5):454-458.