Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part I (2017)
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of aneusomies of chromosome 3 and 17 in adenocarcinoma of cervix detected by fluorescence In situ hybridization
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of aneusomies of chromosome 3 and 17 in adenocarcinoma of cervix detected by fluorescence In situ hybridization
Roopali Fotra and Upma
Cancer is a disease characterized by the accumulation of numerical chromosomal aberrations along with the development of genetic instability. The present study was an attempt to assess the numerical chromosomal changes in the Adenocarcinoma of the cervix with reference to chromosome 3 and 17 through the use of Fluorescence in situ hybridization technique. Centromeric eneumeration probes (Alpha satellite DNA) were used to assess the Nullisomies, Monosomies, Trisomies and Polysomies of the said chromosomes. FISH results of CEP 3 and CEP-17 in the present study showed the frequent gains of chromosome 3 over the chromosome 17. Statistical analyses were conducted by using ANOVA and Chi square tests. ANOVA results were found to be significant for both CEP 3 and CEP‑17 in adenocarcinoma of the cervix. Chi square test (disease v/s control) was also used to study the significant difference between the patients and the controls and it was found to be significant for both chromosomes 3 and 17. Interphase cytogenetics by FISH has now gained broader use in the detection and diagnosis of both hematological as well as solid tumors. The present however is a very small attempt but the aim of the study is to test the usefulness of FISH as a complementary diagnostic tool for the detection of common numerical changes in malignant cells.
How to cite this article:
Roopali Fotra, Upma. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of aneusomies of chromosome 3 and 17 in adenocarcinoma of cervix detected by fluorescence In situ hybridization. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(5):589-593.