Vol. 3, Issue 5, Part J (2017)
Shifting global contours: The new challenges to state sovereignty
Shifting global contours: The new challenges to state sovereignty
Dr. Swapna S Prabhu
Has the ongoing process of Globalization visibly shifted the global contours posing a challenge to state sovereignty? To address this question there arises a need to analyze theoretically the notion of state sovereignty and the developments witnessed in the globalised world. As against Jospeh Nye’s views on international integration and cooperation, there seems to be contending trend of globalization posing a serious threat to the national identity and sovereignty of a nation- socially, economically and politically. The present paper is an attempt to examine in detail the various theoretical standpoints on globalization and state sovereignty that would facilitate our understanding of the ambiguities existing in contemporary international politics.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Swapna S Prabhu. Shifting global contours: The new challenges to state sovereignty. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(5):663-667.