Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part D (2017)
A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding spirometory usage among physiotherapy students in NMCH, Nellore
A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding spirometory usage among physiotherapy students in NMCH, Nellore
Bhanu Param Jyothi B, Geethanjali, N Subhashini and Dr. Indira S
AbstractBackground: Spirometry derived from the Latin words SPIRO means to breathe and METER means to measure is a medical test which provides diagnostic information to assess a patient’s lung function. It is a reliable method of differentiating between obstructive airways disorders e.g. COPD, asthma and restrictive diseases (where the size of the lungs is reduced, e.g. fibrotic lung disease). Spirometry is the most effective way of determining the severity of COPD. Other measures such as the MRC dyspnoea scale and quality of life assessment forms a more complete picture.
Objective: To assess the level of knowledge regarding usage of spirometry among physiotherapy students at NMCH, Nellore.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross sectional design and convenient sampling technique was used; sample size of the study was 30. Data was collected using structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done with SPSS. Results: Shows that with relation to the level of knowledge regarding usage of spirometry among physiotherapy students, 2(6.6%) had A grade, 4(13.3%) had B+ grade, 15(50%) had B grade, 6(20%) had C grade, 3(10%) had D grade.
Conclusions: The findings of the study conclude that majority of the physiotherapy students had B grade knowledge on usage of spirometry. This results strongly suggest that there is an emerging need to educate physiotherapy students regarding usage of spirometry and importance, different methods and the usage of spirometry. To identify the respiratory problems in early stage.
How to cite this article:
Bhanu Param Jyothi B, Geethanjali, N Subhashini, Dr. Indira S. A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding spirometory usage among physiotherapy students in NMCH, Nellore. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):216-218.