AbstractIntroduction: Fertility is a very important aspect of a woman’s life. In a country like India it signifies your womanhood and motherhood is proclaimed at a birth of a child. It depicts her fertility status, but at same time there are women who have not had the joy of experiencing this. A qualitative study was undertaken with the objective of explore the experiences of these women who were undergoing treatment for primary infertility from selected infertility centres at Sangli.
Methods: Qualitative study was adopted for the studies with primary infertile woman seeking treatment for primary infertility were selected for the study. In-depth interviews of 15 primary infertile women were the samples for the study. A phenomenological approach was undertaken. Emergent themes were generated based on the analysis of the in-depth interview of the samples.
Results: A total of 15 participants were interviewed and analysis was done to come up with emergent themes and sub-themes. The themes identified were impact on self, impact on relationships, sense of weakness, frustration, religious belief and coping skills.
Conclusion: It was concluded that women undergoing treatment for primary infertility were confronted with issues which impacted their personal life, their relationship with the family members; it also led to a sense of weakness, frustration. They followed religious customs and beliefs to overcome their problems and also adopted coping skills. Nurses are an integral part of health care delivery system; they are probably the first to come into contact with the patients and therefore have a greater responsibility towards accessibility of care to them. They can guide, counsel, motivate and encourage them to ventilate their concerns, and help them adhere to the treatment schedules. Thus as the clients share their experiences nurses can develop nursing care models to provide need based appropriate care.