Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part G (2017)
National institutional ranking system: To regain the lost glory of Indian higher education
National institutional ranking system: To regain the lost glory of Indian higher education
Gunjan Rautela
The soil of great education centers like Nalanda, Taxashila and Vikramshila faced immense embarrassment when none of its university could stand among the top 200 universities in the world. Not a single Indian University out of 47 central universities, 359 State Universities, 123 Deemed to be Universities and 260 Private Universities, above 37000 colleges and above 11000 stand- alone institutions could be counted among the top world class universities. This huge failure of the Indian Universities jolted the entire country and posed an urgent need to take some effective measures. Quantity, quality, equity and all the other dimensions of the Indian Education System came under vigilance. Out of the various measures taken up to rejuvenate the fading glory of Indian Higher Education one was, introducing the National Institutional Ranking System. Some rankings evaluate institutions within a single country, while others assess institutions worldwide. This National Institutional Ranking System was introduced to rank higher educational institutions in the country in order to help the institutions in evaluating themselves before presenting themselves to the global platform and thus preparing them for the big ranking competition. But there aroused much debate about rankings usefulness and accuracy. So this paper attempts to discuss the need and coming up of National Institutional Ranking System, the shortcomings it faced, the learning it gained and finally to put forth certain recommendations to be acted upon, endeavoring to move from failure to success
How to cite this article:
Gunjan Rautela. National institutional ranking system: To regain the lost glory of Indian higher education. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):428-432.