Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part G (2017)
An assessment of socio-economic profile of rural Muslim female population: A case study
An assessment of socio-economic profile of rural Muslim female population: A case study
Nazish Naz
The development of any country depends on the prosperity of its women but they are discriminated against for ages also have been suffering from given unequal treatment in connection with prospects, privilege, rights and status in numerous socio-economic and cultural spheres in the society. The condition of Muslim women is more pathetic as most of them are most deprived, economically impoverished and educationally marginalized as compared to other communities of India. Therefore having all these views into mind the present study has been brought out to highlight the socio-economic condition of Muslim women particularly living in rural areas. It has been also attempted to analysis the major problems being currently faced by them as well as the causes of their backwardness. The study is based on primary sources of data generated through the field survey, carried out during the month of April and May 2016 through the direct interview method to the respondents with the help of questionnaire. One Muslim majority village from each block of Bijnor District has been selected. Thus out of total 11 villages 280 Muslim household have been sampled randomly consisting 445 female respondents. The overall result reveals that rural Muslim women are lagging behind in terms of education, health status, household income, household amenities and facilities, gender equality as well as work participation rate on account of higher poverty, lower literacy, inadequate health and education facilities, traditional and conservative attitude, discrimination, early marriage, and perceived sense of insecurity etc. After forgoing observation of major findings and conclusion an effort has been made possibly to draw remedial measures to overcome the problems and to empower them
How to cite this article:
Nazish Naz. An assessment of socio-economic profile of rural Muslim female population: A case study. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):463-471.