Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part H (2017)
Influence of high intensity plyometric training program on motor fitness variables of intercollegiate male handball players
Influence of high intensity plyometric training program on motor fitness variables of intercollegiate male handball players
C Guruvupandian and Dr. K Murugavel
This study was designed to the investigate the influence of high intensity plyometric training program on motor fitness variables of intercollegiate male handball players. To achieve the purpose of the study (N=30) thirty college level male handball players were randomly selected from affiliated colleges of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore as subjects. Their age ranged between 18 and 25 years. They were divided into two equal groups. The Group- I was considered as Experimental group and group- II was considered as control group. The investigator did not make any attempt equal group. The control group was not given any training and the experimental group was given high intensity plyometric training for three days per week for the period of twelve weeks. A pilot study was conducted to assess the initial capacity to the subject in order to fix the load. The following variables were chosen namely Speed (50meters dash), agility (shuttle run) and vertical jump performance (Sargent jump test). All the dependent variables were assessed before and after the training period of 12 weeks. The collected data on motor fitness variables due to effect of high intensity plyometric training analyzed by computing mean and standard deviation. In order to find out the significant improvement if any, ’t’ test was applied.0.05 level of confidence was fixed to test the level of significance. The study revealed that the motor fitness parameters were significantly improved due to influence High Intensity Plyometric training
How to cite this article:
C Guruvupandian, Dr. K Murugavel. Influence of high intensity plyometric training program on motor fitness variables of intercollegiate male handball players. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):536-539.