Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part N (2017)
Factors affecting students’ performance: A case of private schools in India
Factors affecting students’ performance: A case of private schools in India
Rajiv Bhatia
Numerous experimental examinations are completed to investigate components influencing understudies' execution. The concentration of this exploration is that understudy execution in class XII examination is related with understudies' profile comprised of his state of mind towards participation in classes, time allotment for considers, guardians' level of income, mother's age and mom's mother’s education. The exploration depends on understudy profile created on the bases of data and information gathered through overview from understudies of a gathering of tuition based schools in India.
How to cite this article:
Rajiv Bhatia. Factors affecting students’ performance: A case of private schools in India. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):953-957.