Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part N (2017)
Globalization and digital violence against women in new media
Globalization and digital violence against women in new media
Shivendu Kumar Rai
New Media is now an important and positive component in the era of globalization. This became an integral part of the socio cultural and economic development of the society. Especially, for women it is a new arena to explore and it also provide space for them in this digital age. But, with the expansion of this internet world, it’s increasing and instant reach to individuals has also opened up a new door for violence. As this fast technology has also given rise to new forms of sexual abuse and exploitation through the use of new media. So, this paper attempts to discuss about the digital violence faced by women in the presence of New Media. It is a study of the impact of social media and new communications technologies on violence against women. This study discussed about why new media and social media platforms are so attractive to women end users, how they present dangers and can contribute to violence against women in the digital sphere and real life, and the ways in which new and emerging platforms can offer digital spaces for intervention, violence prevention and community building. With this the study also suggested the preventions and cures of the digital violence.
How to cite this article:
Shivendu Kumar Rai. Globalization and digital violence against women in new media. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):961-966.