Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part P (2017)
A descriptive study to assess the level of stress & coping strategies adopted among adolescents due to parental expectations in selected educational settings in Pune city
A descriptive study to assess the level of stress & coping strategies adopted among adolescents due to parental expectations in selected educational settings in Pune city
Sadhana Sudhir Shinde, Sushiladevi L and Sundari Apte
Aim of the study: To assess the level of stress due to parental expectations and coping strategies adopted by them to relive stress and association of stress with demographic variables. Materials and Methods: The populations of the present study were 500 adolescents from 12-17 years of age from various schools and coaching classes from Pune city. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was used. In order to assess the level of stress and coping strategies among adolescents self-structured tool of five point likert scales was used. The tool consists of demographic variables, stress scale and coping scale questionnaire. The data was analyzed using percentage, Frequency mean, and Fishers Exact test. Result: The results indicate that 77% adolescents experienced severe stress and 23 % adolescents experienced moderate stress due to parental expectations. Majority of Adolescents adopted problem focus coping strategies and emotional focus strategies was adopted by few adolescents to cope the stress. By using Fishers Exact test it was found that there is association between stress and gender of students, and parent’s educational level. Conclusion: The study found that there was a high prevalence of stress among adolescents due to parental expectations Training students on positive coping strategies, reducing stressor-related school training, and improving parent and teacher support to the students would help to improve this condition.
How to cite this article:
Sadhana Sudhir Shinde, Sushiladevi L, Sundari Apte. A descriptive study to assess the level of stress & coping strategies adopted among adolescents due to parental expectations in selected educational settings in Pune city. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(6):1092-1097.