Vol. 3, Issue 7, Part M (2017)
Comparative study of Porta SCC, udder check and dramanisk tests effectiveness on subclinical mastitis detection in Rwanda
Comparative study of Porta SCC, udder check and dramanisk tests effectiveness on subclinical mastitis detection in Rwanda
Havugineza F, Nshimiyimana A, Ugirabe MA and Mwabonimana MF
A cross-sectional study was conducted in Musanze district, Busogo, Gataraga and Cyuve sectors with aim to compare the efficient of three on farm tests (Porta SCC, Udder Check and Dramanisk) in the subclinical mastitis detection. Six farms were randomly selected and a total of 30 lactating cows free of signs of mastitis were examined using those three on farm tests. Descriptive statistics, SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 16 analysis were computed to determine mastitis prevalence and correlation between the results of three on farm tests. The results showed that the prevalence was of 70%, 60% and 56.7% for Porta SCC, Dramanisk and Udder checks respectively. In addition sensitivity and specificity of each test found was (76.2%, 77.8%), (58.3%, 88.9%), (61.5%, 94.2%) for Porta SCC, Dramiński and udder check respectively, while the correlation between Porta SCC and udder check was 0.602 which is significant at ( p < 0.01), and there was no significant correlation between Dramiński and other tests. Therefore, we can conclude that cow-side tests that employ SCC (Porta SCC) for mastitis diagnosis are more accurate than Dramiński which measure EC and udder check read LDH enzymes level in milk sample. The test properties of the Porta SCC and its capability and rapidity to provide accurate results rationalize its utilization as an alternative for the laboratory based cell counter in evaluating milk samples from herds in rural areas under field conditions and help fast decision making in dairy management.
How to cite this article:
Havugineza F, Nshimiyimana A, Ugirabe MA, Mwabonimana MF. Comparative study of Porta SCC, udder check and dramanisk tests effectiveness on subclinical mastitis detection in Rwanda. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(7):862-867.