Vol. 3, Issue 7, Part R (2017)
A survey study of attitude of selected medical college students of Jabalpur towards games and sports
A survey study of attitude of selected medical college students of Jabalpur towards games and sports
Dr. Vishal Banne
The subjects selected for this study were 70 students from different medical college of Jabalpur; they served as subjects and were selected randomly. Criterion measure for testing the hypothesis in this study was the score obtained from self-prepared questionnaire filled by the student’s different medical college from Jabalpur. The questionnaire used for this study was a self-prepared questionnaire, which was constructed by the research scholar himself. Statements arranged in questionnaire were related to attitude and simple statement. Each of the statement described for knowing the attitude of medical students towards games and sports. All the subjects were given their responses to questionnaire prepared by the scholar. Attitude towards physical education questionnaire consist two point scales such as “YES” and No. To know the attitude of medical college students towards games and sports of the 20 questions were selected for questionnaire in which response, 34 questions were found positive attitude of principals towards games and sports. Some positive responses are as follows. Therefore, the response of 89% questions found of positive response, 2% questions found negative and 9% questions of found natural.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Vishal Banne. A survey study of attitude of selected medical college students of Jabalpur towards games and sports . Int J Appl Res 2017;3(7):1290-1292.