Vol. 3, Issue 8, Part A (2017)
Empirical study of impact of NPA over the profitability of leading private sector banks
Empirical study of impact of NPA over the profitability of leading private sector banks
Abhani Dhara K
In today’s era banking sector has gaining the value in the economy day by day. Generally banks are one of the pillars of any of the economy of countries. In normal terms banks are providing the funds to their customers in form of loans and advances. If anyone wants to check how efficiently banks are running their business then he should check it out the amount of Non Performing Assets (NPA) in that bank. Higher the NPA lower the efficiency, Lower the NPA high level of progress and potentiality. Though every banks are engaging in launching the schemes for recovering the loan in time, in last two years overall NPA has been seen near about Rs. 6,14,872 crore which is 135 percent more as compare to previous years according to Financial Express. This paper having the centre idea about the connectivity of profitability and NPA. With the help of descriptive research tool I tried to find out whether there is a significant relationship between NPA and profitability or not. For the study purpose five private sector banks has been taken over here and the data of NPA and Profitability for the year 2013-2017 has been analysed by applying t test.
How to cite this article:
Abhani Dhara K. Empirical study of impact of NPA over the profitability of leading private sector banks. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(8):16-20.