Vol. 3, Issue 8, Part L (2017)
Impact of balance of work life on work performance: A case study women employees SBI in Godavari districts
Impact of balance of work life on work performance: A case study women employees SBI in Godavari districts
Dr. JV Jayanthi Kumari
The aim of this paper present the work life balance of the women employees in the SBI Bank. The researcher has taken the primary data and secondary data from the Banking sector. The primary data was distributed questionnaire to 250 respondents at SBI in Krishna district, 218 respondents are filled the responses with the questionnaire. The SPSS 17.0 versions are taken for the study. Chi-square test are used to test the association between the Age, Marital status, Education and Work Life Balance. The results shows that there is significant association between the work life balance of the women employees and Demographic factors of Age, Marital status, Education.
How to cite this article:
Dr. JV Jayanthi Kumari. Impact of balance of work life on work performance: A case study women employees SBI in Godavari districts. Int J Appl Res 2017;3(8):960-963.