Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part F (2018)
Study of biodiversity of zooplanktons and other animal in ponds
Study of biodiversity of zooplanktons and other animal in ponds
Chandni Kumari
In this study we know that species composition and diversity of planktonic Rotifera, Copepoda, Crustacea, Protozoa, Benthoms, Arthropoda, Mollusca between pond. Average total diversity of zooplankton tended to be the highest in river (24 species) and the lower in rice field (19 species). The zooplankton abundance was influenced by physical factors of the water bodies. Correlation analysis revealed a strong positive relationship between zooplankton abundance and water transparency while there exist a weak negative correlation with dissolved oxygen and temperature. The finding of the present study provide useful knowledge on the spatial organization of zooplankton diversity in different type of freshwater ecosystem as well as can be used as management strategies to protect the aquatic biodiversity in the agricultural area.
How to cite this article:
Chandni Kumari. Study of biodiversity of zooplanktons and other animal in ponds. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(1):477-479.