Vol. 4, Issue 10, Part C (2018)
To assess the Knowledge and Attitude regarding Organ donation among PU college students, in selected PU colleges at Vijayapur, with a view to provide an informational booklet
To assess the Knowledge and Attitude regarding Organ donation among PU college students, in selected PU colleges at Vijayapur, with a view to provide an informational booklet
Amarnath Shanmukhe, Shalmon Chopade, Shreenidhi Kavalagi, Vinod Kudari, Jyoti Nayak, Diplesh Surve
AbstractBackground: Organ transplant is done to replace the recipient’s damaged organ with the working organ of the donor so that the recipient could function normally. The emerging field of regenerative medicine is allowing scientists and engineers to create organs to be re-grown from the patient's own cells.
Results: The data was collected from 100 PU college students. Knowledge level of 100 PU college students were assessed by using structured knowledge questionnaire and the findings shows that, only 5% (5) of the participants had poor level of knowledge, where as 60% (60) of the participants had average level of knowledge, 34% (34) of the participants had good knowledge and only 1%(1) of participant had excellent knowledge towards organ donation. Attitude level of PU College students were assessed by using attitude scale and the findings shows that 85% (85) of the participants had favorable attitude, 15% (15) of the participants had unfavorable attitude towards organ donation. There is no significant association between levels of knowledge of PU college students with their selected demographic variables.
Conclusion: The informational booklet was effective in improving the knowledge of PU college students on organ donation.
How to cite this article:
Amarnath Shanmukhe, Shalmon Chopade, Shreenidhi Kavalagi, Vinod Kudari, Jyoti Nayak, Diplesh Surve. To assess the Knowledge and Attitude regarding Organ donation among PU college students, in selected PU colleges at Vijayapur, with a view to provide an informational booklet. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(10):154-156.