Vol. 4, Issue 12, Part B (2018)
Competency and safety of bubble continuous positive airway pressure in preterm neonates with respiratory distress
Competency and safety of bubble continuous positive airway pressure in preterm neonates with respiratory distress
Jain Shubham, Chaudhary SR and Ahmed SM
AbstractAim & Objectives: Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (B-CPAP) is relatively inexpensive and can be easily taught therefore has the potential to be the optimal respiratory support device for neonates in developing countries. The aim of our study was to determine the competency and safety of B-CPAP in preterm & term neonates requiring respiratory support.
Material & Methods: A prospective observational study was done on 50 babies both preterm and term admitted consecutively in NICU of Rohilkhand Medical College & Hospital, Bareilly, requiring respiratory support for mild to moderate respiratory distress based on Downe’s score and Silverman Anderson score. Support was given with short nasal prongs connected to Fisher & Paykel B-CPAP. Surfactant was administered when required. Monitoring was done clinically, with pulse oximetery, radiological and with arterial blood gases.
Results: The mean gestational age of the study population was 32-34 weeks and birth weight was 1.600kg. 40% of the populations were Very Low Birth Weight (<1.5kg). C-PAP failure rate was higher in these babies. The most common indication of B-CPAP was RDS (84%) followed by pneumonia (6%), TTNB (6%) and MAS (4%). The commonest complications on B-CPAP were nasal abrasion (20%), gastric distension (8%), apnea (4%) and feed intolerance (4%). Overall failure of BCPAP occurred in 11/50 cases or 22%. All babies who failed BCPAP were put on mechanical ventilation. Failures in RDS group were 10/42 or 23.8%, pneumonia group was 1/3 or 33.33% and no failure reported in MAS and TTNB group. Overall survival rate of the study population was 39/50 or 78%.
Conclusions: Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure is safe, competent and easy to use in preterm neonates with mild to moderate respiratory distress.
How to cite this article:
Jain Shubham, Chaudhary SR, Ahmed SM. Competency and safety of bubble continuous positive airway pressure in preterm neonates with respiratory distress. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(12):115-117.