Vol. 4, Issue 12, Part C (2018)
Women financial inclusion through Mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee scheme
Women financial inclusion through Mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee scheme
B Narayana Swamy and Dr. K Venkata Reddy
The Government of India passed the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREG Act) in September 2005. This Act commenced with effect from 2nd February 2006. MGNREGA is a path breaking legislation and a flagship programme for promoting inclusive growth by ensuring a legal guarantee of 100 days of employment to rural poor. Its Rights based framework creates a paradigm shift from earlier wage employment programmes. The Acts’ objective is to generate employment opportunities, and regenerate the natural resource basic of rural livelihood through an implementation process that strengthens grass root democratic processes. A large number of projects have been taken up under MGNREG Act in the country that provides employment on a huge scale. Mostly Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and women workers are volunteering to work under the programme. The Government in Ministry of Finance has also launched a drive for financial inclusion by opening of accounts of households in unbanked and under-banked areas. In order to achieve the twin objectives of financial inclusion and timely and proper payment of wages to the MGNREGS workers this MOU is being entered into. It was mandated that NREGA payments should be done only through banks and the post office system in conjunction. Banks and post offices are being made intermediaries for routing MGNREGP payments through bank accounts to enhance financial inclusion. The channeling of MGNREGA payments through banks and post offices has seen positive results.
How to cite this article:
B Narayana Swamy, Dr. K Venkata Reddy. Women financial inclusion through Mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee scheme. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(12):165-168.