Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part C (2018)
Structured teaching programme on antepartum hemorrhage among staff nurses
Structured teaching programme on antepartum hemorrhage among staff nurses
Antepartum hamemorrhage is an obstetrical emergency contributing to a significant amount of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Antepartum Hemorrhage is defined as bleeding from the vagina after 20 weeks. It occurs in 2% of pregnancies and an important cause of fetal and maternal death.30% of maternal deaths are caused by Antepartum hemorrhage of which 50% are associated with avoidable factors. Death from hemorrhage still remains a leading cause of maternal mortality. This study addresses the knowledge gap among staff nurses and their satisfaction they get from receiving these benefits. The survey is done with the sample size of 120. The data was collected by administering questionnaire and video assisted teaching programme. The study result shows that, 70% of the respondents had inadequate knowledge 30% moderate knowledge regarding causes and intervention of APH in the pre test. After administration of structured teaching program 20% of respondents had moderate knowledge and 80% the respondents had Adequate knowledge regarding causes and intervention of APH in the post test. The conclusion and suggestions are also given in this report for enhancing the knowledge level among staff nurses working in the maternity setup.
How to cite this article:
Jayanthi. Structured teaching programme on antepartum hemorrhage among staff nurses. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(3):164-167.