Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part C (2018)
Evaluation of different genotypes of crossandra
Evaluation of different genotypes of crossandra
PB Bhosale, MB Kadam, SM Katwate and BG Pawar
The genus Crossandra of family Acanthaceae consists of beautiful flowering shrubs, native to South India and Sri Lanka. It can be used as a potted flowering or landscape plant, as it is small in size and sports attractive flowers. The research program was conducted with the objectives to develop new cultivar of crossandra by evaluating the different genotypes of crossandra for quantitative and qualitative characters by considering the need of commercial growers and to popularize the crossandra crop in Maharashtra. The seven genotypes were evaluated for qualitative and quantitative characters and it shows significant variation. Among seven genotypes under studied, cultivar Arka Shrvya was found superior over all genotypes in different characters viz., number of flower per spike, number of flowers per picking, weight of flowers per picking, yield per plant, least days for opening of first flower.
How to cite this article:
PB Bhosale, MB Kadam, SM Katwate, BG Pawar. Evaluation of different genotypes of crossandra. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(3):204-206.