Study of congenital anomalies at the tertiary care hospital
Dr. C Murali and Sukanya Seshasai
Birth of a baby is the happiest moment in the family. Congenital malformations can cause more misery in the family. Genetic anomalies are due to exposure to teratogens in the environment, unknowingly taking teratogenic drugs, nutritional deficiencies such as folic acid, X-ray exposure above 10 Rads during first trimester of pregnancy, maternal infections with TORCH pathogens and syphilis, having personal habits like smoking and chewing tobacco and alcohol abuse. 37 congenital anomalies reported in our study at Special newborn care unit at Chittoor, district head quarters hospital are as follows club foot 10 cases, cleft lip and cleft palate in 7 cases, only cleft lip in 5 cases, meningo myelocele in 3 cases, anotia in 2 cases .Other anomalies reported are duodenal and jejuna l atresia 1,ambiguous genitalia 1, pulmonary hypoplasia1,skeletal dysplasia1, dandy walker malformation1, ectopia vesicae 1, congenital spinal defect 1, Erbs palsy 1, left ear malformation 1and congenital dislocation of hip bone in one case. Hydrocephalus 3 cases, Meningomyelocele 4 cases, anencephaly 5 cases are other the major anomalies we observed in still born and intrauterine deaths.
How to cite this article:
Dr. C Murali, Sukanya Seshasai. Study of congenital anomalies at the tertiary care hospital. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(3):265-268.