Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part G (2018)
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on dysmenorrhea in terms of knowledge among the GNM students of Shimla Nursing College, Annandale, during 2016
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on dysmenorrhea in terms of knowledge among the GNM students of Shimla Nursing College, Annandale, during 2016
Pallavi Pathania
Dysmenorrhea is defined as difficult menstrual flow or painful menstruation. The term dysmenorrhea is derived from the Greek Word Dys meaning difficult/painful/abnormaâ€l Meno meaning month and rhoea meaning flow. Dysmenorrhea is a Gynecological medical condition characterized by serve uterine pain during menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is classified as; - Primary dysmenorrhea or Secondary Dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as menstrual pain not associated with macroscopic pelvic pathology. It typically occurs in the first few years after menarche and affect up to 50% of post pubescent females. Secondary is defined as menstrual pain resulting from anatomic and macroscopic pelvic pathology such as that seen in woman with endometriosis or chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases. This condition is most often observed in women aged 30-45 years. Dysmenorrhea is highly prevalent during adolescence. Despite differences in measurement methods, 20%- 90% adolescent girls report dysmenorrhea about 15% of adolescents girls describe their dysmenorrhea as severe. Dysmenorrhea affects the daily life activity of the girls and women. It also affects their work schedule, psychological condition. It help the researcher to know how many days before the premenstrual symptoms start in them,which home remedial measure they will take to remove the symptoms, which drugs are mostly used to relieve the pain etc. The inferential statistics regarding this study is very less. So this study is very useful for the GNM students to improve their knowledge. Objective of the study is to assess and compare the knowledge of G.N.M students in pre-experimental group regarding the knowledge of dysmenorrhea before and after the administration of structured teaching programme. Evaluative research approach is used with Pre- experimental- pre and post-test design & sample are selected by convenience sampling techniques. The result of study shows the pre-test mean knowledge score of pre- experimental group is 5.5 & of post test is 9.7. ‘t’ test value of pre- experimental group is 20.29 which is consider to be significant of knowledge. So the conclusion of study is improvement happens in knowledge regarding dysmenorrhea after administering the structured teaching programme among the G.N.M. students of Shimla Nursing College.
How to cite this article:
Pallavi Pathania. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on dysmenorrhea in terms of knowledge among the GNM students of Shimla Nursing College, Annandale, during 2016. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(3):429-433.