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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part C (2018)

A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding knowledge of protein energy malnutrition among mothers of under five year children in selected rural areas in Moradabad

A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding knowledge of protein energy malnutrition among mothers of under five year children in selected rural areas in Moradabad

Neetu and Probhu J
Background: Malnutrition is identified as a major health and nutritional problem in India which includes the various range of sever conditions they are marasmus, kwashiorkor and marasmic kwashiorkor.
1. To assess the pre-test and post-test knowledge score on Protein Energy Malnutrition among mothers of under five children.
2. To find out effectiveness of planned teaching program on Protein Energy Malnutrition among mothers of under five children.
3. To find out association between post-test knowledge among mothers of under five children on Protein Energy Malnutrition with their selected demographic variables.
Methodology: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and effectiveness of PTP on PEM among mothers of under five year children in selected rural area of Moradabad. It also determines the association of the knowledge of PEM among mothers of under five year children with selected demographic variables. For this purpose a pre experimental study was conducted among mothers of under five year children in selected rural area of Moradabad. The sample consisted of 60 mothers of under five year children. A purposive method was used to collect the data. Data was collected using a self structured questioner. After collection of data, the data was analyzed by using inferential statistics such as chi-square and paired ‘t’test to determine association between post test knowledge on PEM with the selected demographic variables and effectiveness of PTP on PEM among mothers of under five year children.
Results: In this study the majority pre-test knowledge score was, 70% of the mother had inadequate knowledge as 28.33% mother had moderate knowledge and 66% mother had adequate knowledge. After PTP the post-test knowledge score obtained by majority of (50%) of mother had moderate knowledge and 45% mother had adequate knowledge and 05% of mother had inadequate knowledge regarding Protein Energy Malnutrition. The overall effectiveness of PTP reveals that the mean post test knowledge scores 22.43 mothers of under five year children was higher than the pre test knowledge scores of 11.58. while, the calculated “t” value was 15.58. This indicated that there is significant difference between pre test and post test knowledge score because the calculated ‘t’ value (15.58) is more than table value (0.05; 1.96) at df(59). Knowledge with age, Type of family, Occupation among mothers of under five year children regarding Protein Energy Malnutrition were found significant. Whereas number of children, qualification, Family Monthly income non-significant.
Conclusion: The result of this study indicate that total post test knowledge score was higher than the pre test knowledge score and the total mean difference of pre test and post test knowledge is 10.85. So there was also significant difference between pre test and post test knowledge score because the calculated‘t’ value (15.58) is more than table value (0.05; 1.96) at df(59).After analyses the pre-test and post-test knowledge score it is necessary to educate the mothers of under five year children about Protein Energy Malnutrition in order to promote the health of under five year children reduce the malnutrition and mortality rate among the children.
Pages: 196-200  |  1253 Views  225 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Neetu, Probhu J. A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding knowledge of protein energy malnutrition among mothers of under five year children in selected rural areas in Moradabad. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(4):196-200.
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