Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part D (2018)
Comparison of efficacy of three Ni-Ti instruments in removal of gutta-percha from root canal during retreatment: An in vitro study
Comparison of efficacy of three Ni-Ti instruments in removal of gutta-percha from root canal during retreatment: An in vitro study
Dr. Anil Kumar Tomar, Dr. Anamika Kumari, Dr. Smita Sahani and Dr. Siddharth Dubey
AbstractAim: This study compares the efficacy of three different retreatment file systems and determines which retreatment file requires less time in removal of previous root filling material.
Methodology: Thirty anterior teeth with single root canal were used in this study. The teeth were randomly divided into three experimental groups of ten specimens each. They were instrumented and obturated using mono-cone technique with gutta-percha (GP) and sealer.
Removal of gutta-percha was performed with the following devices and techniques: EDGEFILE XR, MTWO, PROTAPER-D. For all cases, the following data were recorded: procedural errors, duration of retreatment and canal wall cleanliness which was evaluated using stereomicroscope at 6X magnification. Photographs were taken for further analysis using computer image analysis program. ANOVA test and Bonferroni multiple comparison tests were used for statistical analysis.
Results: No system completely removed the root filling material from root canal walls. Edge File XR retreatment files removed the maximum amount of filling material from the canal walls. The Mean operating time was minimum with Mtwo group files.
It was concluded that EDGEFILE XR, rotary retreatment system proved to be the most efficient method of removing gutta-percha and sealer in comparison to the other two retreatment files and M-TWO retreatment files required less time to remove root filling material than the other instruments.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Anil Kumar Tomar, Dr. Anamika Kumari, Dr. Smita Sahani, Dr. Siddharth Dubey. Comparison of efficacy of three Ni-Ti instruments in removal of gutta-percha from root canal during retreatment: An in vitro study. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(4):233-237.