Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part F (2018)
Clinical and epidemiological profile of people living with HIV/AIDS: A prospective study from Gwalior region Madhya Pradesh
Clinical and epidemiological profile of people living with HIV/AIDS: A prospective study from Gwalior region Madhya Pradesh
Dr. Anvesh Singh Parmar and Dr. Praveen Thakurai
AbstractBackground: HIV infection represents a major public health problem for both developing and developed countries as it prevalence is rising worldwide. Spectrum of clinical presentation of HIV can vary with geographical distribution, socioeconomic and cultural environment.
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of HIV positive patients in the study cohort.
Materials and Methods: One hundred and fifteen HIV positive patients were studied at the ART Center Medicine Department, GR Medical College, Gwalior between Aug. 2014 to Nov. 2015. Detailed history regarding the socio-demography and epidemiological aspects of the disease (HIV infection) were recorded.
Results: Most common age group was 31-40 years (42.60%). HIV infection was more common in male population (68.69%). Most of the patients were manual laborers (48.69%), belong to urban population (74.78%) and belong to lower income group (59.13%). Majority of the patients (38.26%) had primary education. Most of the HIV patients were married (88.69%). Most of the patients (90.43%) acquired the infection through hetero-sexual route of transmission, followed by (1.73%) through homosexual route.
Conclusion: Most of our participants were male, belonged to the sexually active and economically productive age group and were from low socioeconomic status coming from urban area.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Anvesh Singh Parmar, Dr. Praveen Thakurai. Clinical and epidemiological profile of people living with HIV/AIDS: A prospective study from Gwalior region Madhya Pradesh. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(4):401-404.