Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part F (2018)
UN Security Council: A need for a revamp
UN Security Council: A need for a revamp
Dr. Rajesh Upadhyaya
After the Second World War (1939-45), the United Nations was born out (Oct 24, 1945) as a successor to the League of Nations mainly under the leadership of United States of America. In a world essentially marked by anarchy, power politics and reluctance to subdue their sovereignty; the United Nations, particularly United Nations Security Council provided an international framework to settle bilateral disputes abstaining the brutal use of force, hence saving the globe from the menace of another unfortunate global war. Though the United Nations largely managed to thwart the humankind from the menace of another comprehensive war till date, the overview of the structure and functioning of the United Nations over the last six decades uphold the apprehensions of its inability to revamp itself, precisely the Security Council have neither been in consonant to the reality of 21st century nor been prepared to deal with the new security challenges surfacing around the world. The paper, thus, suggest for the revamp of the United Nations, particularly to make Security Council democratic, more representative, transparent and accountable in its functioning. There is no iota of doubt that any Endeavour to recast and revamp an obsolete and decayed international institutions of the magnitude of United Nations Security Council is formidable and challenging, however, it is the only available alternative to make it efficacious and dependable among member states in the changed dynamics of international politics in 21st century.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Rajesh Upadhyaya. UN Security Council: A need for a revamp. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(4):459-461.