Vol. 4, Issue 5, Part C (2018)
A non-experimental study to assess the effect of sleep hygiene on quality of life among selected professional college students of bharati vidyapeeth deemed University, Pune
A non-experimental study to assess the effect of sleep hygiene on quality of life among selected professional college students of bharati vidyapeeth deemed University, Pune
Manisha Anand and Monita Thokchom
Background: As we know an India is a country where youth and lifestyle changes very fast. College students are more prone to adopt maladaptive sleep hygiene practices like irregular bed time, academic pressure, internet addiction, alcohol consumption and smoking are some factors that affect college students sleep hygiene. Purpose: To assess the effect of sleep hygiene on quality of life among selected professional college students. Methods and Material: Data were collected from 300 professional college students by the probability stratified sampling method. The tool consisted of section I (demographic data), section II (modified sleep hygiene scale) and section III (adapted WHO quality of life scale). Results: Among 300 samples 252 (84%) participants have satisfactory sleep hygiene and 297 (99%) had an average quality of life. The study shows that sleep hygiene has a positive correlation with quality of life as a p-value is 0.044 and as p- value is less than 0.05 which shows the association of demographic variables like with the course, father’s occupation and mother’s occupation and sleep problem with quality of life. Conclusion: Analysis revealed that there was a positive correlation of sleep hygiene on quality of life among professional college students means if sleep hygiene score increases than quality of life score also increases
How to cite this article:
Manisha Anand, Monita Thokchom. A non-experimental study to assess the effect of sleep hygiene on quality of life among selected professional college students of bharati vidyapeeth deemed University, Pune. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(5):162-166.