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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 4, Issue 5, Part G (2018)

A study to assess the effect of health teaching on knowledge and practice, regarding feeding technique among care takers of cerebral palsy children in selected orphanages

A study to assess the effect of health teaching on knowledge and practice, regarding feeding technique among care takers of cerebral palsy children in selected orphanages

Jasmin Shijo and Dr. Shweta Joshi
Introduction: Cerebral Palsy is not a progressive disorder but the symptoms can become more severe over time due to subdural damage. Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for future. The effect of health teaching on knowledge and practice regarding feeding technique among care takers of cerebral palsy children in selected orphanages of pune city. The conceptual frame work of the present study is based on Imogene King’s goal attainment Model.
Material and Methodology: The researcher has adopted Pre- experimental one-group pre-test post-test design; A Non Probability Convenient Sampling Technique was used for this study. The 30 Sample was selected from the home for special children. The researcher prepared a structured interview questionnaire and observational checklist as a tool for this study. The tool consisted of 2 sections. Section I consists of demographic profile. Section II consists of structured interview questionnaire and Section III consists of Observational checklist. The content validity was determined by the experts. The reliability of the tool was done by Inter rator observer Method and was found to be 0.85.
Result: Pre-test mean score was 7.8 with standard deviation of 9 and in post-test mean score were 12.9 with standard deviation of 1.1.Paired t-test for comparison of practice scores of care takers in pre-test and post-test. Average practice score in pre-test was 7.8 which increased to 12.9 in post-test. T-value corresponding to this comparison was 13.3 with 29 degrees of freedom. Corresponding p-value was 0.000, which is small (less than 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected. Health teaching is proved to be significantly effective in improving the practices of care takers of children with cerebral palsy regarding feeding technique. Findings related to association of knowledge and practice with selected socio-demographic variables was assessed by using Fisher’s exact test. Since all the p-values are large (greater than 0.05), there is no evidence against null hypothesis. None of the demographic variable was found to have significant association with knowledge and practice of care takers of children with cerebral palsy regarding feeding techniques.
Conclusion: It has been observed that pretest knowledge average mean score is 11.5 and practice score is 7.8 after planned health teaching knowledge average score rises to 17.1 and 12.9 respectively. This indicates that the knowledge and practice grades improved after planned teaching. All the p-values are large (greater than 0.05), none of the demographic variable was found to have significant association with knowledge and practices of care takers of children with cerebral palsy regarding feeding techniques.
Pages: 455-460  |  1052 Views  119 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Jasmin Shijo, Dr. Shweta Joshi. A study to assess the effect of health teaching on knowledge and practice, regarding feeding technique among care takers of cerebral palsy children in selected orphanages. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(5):455-460.
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