Vol. 4, Issue 5, Part G (2018)
Dietary profile of gym going female in Delhi
Dietary profile of gym going female in Delhi
Dr. Anil K Vanaik, Dr. Sarita Tyagi and Mohit Kumar
AbstractObjective:The goal of the present study was to analyze the dietary profile and to understand the nutritional absorption of women going to the gym in Delhi. The study was interested in understanding the diet and nutrition uptake of women going to the gym in Delhi.
Design of the study: Survey Research Design
Procedure: A total of 120 females from the state of Delhi were randomly chosen for the current research as a subject. The ages were limited to 18 and above for the selected sample and the mean and standard deviation was 32.37±8.07 years. A self-structured questionnaire comprises 12 statements relating to the diet pattern and nutritional absorption of women in order to achieve the desired goal of the research. The percentage method has been used to measure the frequency and percentage of responses as a statistical tool.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Anil K Vanaik, Dr. Sarita Tyagi, Mohit Kumar. Dietary profile of gym going female in Delhi. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(5):484-486.