Vol. 4, Issue 6, Part C (2018)
A study to assess the effect of snake and ladder game on knowledge regarding balanced diet among school children in selected school
A study to assess the effect of snake and ladder game on knowledge regarding balanced diet among school children in selected school
Dhanashree Kutwal and Vaishali Jagtap
Introduction: Malnutrition is a wide-spread problem that results from a complex interaction between environmental deprivation and under nutrition. Malnourished children typically experience a range of other environmental difficulties associated with poverty, such as poor housing, poor health-care, weak family and community support systems. There is a need to understand the way child malnutrition and poor health influence access and School participation of Children. In this paper, an attempt is made to draw broad contours for developing such an understanding of the issue rooted in the Indian context. An evaluative study is conducted to assess the Effect of Snake and ladder game on knowledge regarding balanced diet among children in selected schools of PCMC. Methods of Research Approach: The research approach adopted for the present study was Evaluative approach. Research design was used Pre experimental one group Pre & Post-test research design.Present study is based on General System Model by Ludwig Von Bertanlanffy. The setting for this study selected Schools of PCMC, Pune. Non - Probability Purposive Sampling technique was used for 60 sample, the tool developed which includes section ‘A’ is the demographic variables, section ‘B’ deals with structured knowledge questionnaire on balanced diet.Tool validity was done and tool found reliable. Study found feasible after pilot study. Results: It has been observed that, pretest knowledge scores of School going child revealed that i.e.(1.67%) of the samples had poor level of knowledge score, (86.67%) had average level of knowledge score, and (11.67%) had good level of knowledge score. In posttest (1.67%) of the samples had Average level of knowledge score and (63.33%) had good level of knowledge score and (35%) had excellent level of knowledge score. It has been observed that, pretreatment knowledge average mean score is 9.68 and after teaching average score rises to 17.38. Researcher can conclude that at 5% level of significance and 99% of freedom there is significant rise in average knowledge score after playing game. Therefore researcher can infer that Snake and ladder game is effective. Since all the p values except p value occupation of father and mother.> 0.05 there is no significant association between any of the variables except occupation of father and occupation of mother. Conclusion: It has been observed that pretest knowledge average mean score rises to 17.38. Researcher can conclude that at 5% level of significance and 99% of freedom there is significant rise in average knowledge score after playing game. P-value not significant (less than o.o5) hypothesis is rejected.
How to cite this article:
Dhanashree Kutwal, Vaishali Jagtap. A study to assess the effect of snake and ladder game on knowledge regarding balanced diet among school children in selected school. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(6):159-164.