Vol. 4, Issue 7, Part E (2018)
A study to assess the breastfeeding self-efficacy among primi mothers in NMCH, Nellore
A study to assess the breastfeeding self-efficacy among primi mothers in NMCH, Nellore
Shylaja Lakshmi B, Latha P and Dr. Indira Arumugam
Background: Early and frequent breast feeding is extremely important for establishing breast feeding. Studies show that the more the first breast feeding are delayed, the higher the rate of problems (Mather 2008) similarly, frequent breast feeding (every 2-3 hours or so) in the first day is very important in helping the mature milk to come in more quickly.1 Objectives: To assess the breastfeeding self-efficacy among primi mothers. 2. To associate the breastfeeding self- efficacy among primi mothers with their socio demographic variables. Methods: 30 primi mohers were selected using descriptive design with purposive sampling technique. Results: The level of Breastfeeding self-efficacy among primi mothers, 22(73%) had good self-efficacy, 8 (27%) had average self-efficacy and none of them had poor self-efficacy about breast feeding.
How to cite this article:
Shylaja Lakshmi B, Latha P, Dr. Indira Arumugam. A study to assess the breastfeeding self-efficacy among primi mothers in NMCH, Nellore. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(7):293-296.