Vol. 4, Issue 7, Part F (2018)
The effect of segmental expansion exercise in patients with COPD
The effect of segmental expansion exercise in patients with COPD
Dr. Shiril Nagarkar
Aim & Objective: To study the effect of segmental expansion exercise in patients with copd Method: 30 subjects diagnosed with at least one episode of fall due to loss of balance and proprioception 30 subjects participated in study. Baseline data were collected on the basis of personal history and information, past medical history, medication used. pre and post is expansion where assessed and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques was applied to the patient for once a day for seven days the techniques are vertebral pressure high manual pressure to thoracic vertebrae in the region T2 to T5, vertical pressure low-Manual pressure to thoracic vertebrae in region T7-T10 was Given, Anterior stretch lifting posterior basal area -in which patient was in supine position with hands on the lower ribs lifted upwards, Co- Contraction of abdomen in which pressure Laterally over lower ribs and pelvis alternate right and sides, Intercostal Strecth-Strecth on expiratory phase maintained. Result: mean Difference of 0.17,-0.15 and -0.23 at axilla, nipple and xiphisternum level proved to be significant Conclusion: It has been concluded that pnf stretching technique is significantly prove to be effective in chest expansion and forced expiratory volume in COPD patients.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shiril Nagarkar. The effect of segmental expansion exercise in patients with COPD. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(7):369-370.