Vol. 4, Issue 8, Part D (2018)
Imperialism Marks the Beginning of Post Colonialism with reference to Frantz Fanon’s Views on Post Colonialism
Imperialism Marks the Beginning of Post Colonialism with reference to Frantz Fanon’s Views on Post Colonialism
Poonam Rani
Post colonialism is the part of post modernism. Postcolonial refers to the writing of those people who were once colonized by the European powers. Postcolonial theory is an attempt to un cover the ideologies implicit in European texts about the other non – European texts. The term post-colonial literature now replaces the traditional category of Common Wealth literature or third world literature. Imperialism is a policy in which large or powerful countries seek to extend their authority beyond their own borders. Imperialism focuses on how power and ideology work, both consciously and unconsciously to form and maintain a system of domination that goes beyond military force.
How to cite this article:
Poonam Rani. Imperialism Marks the Beginning of Post Colonialism with reference to Frantz Fanon’s Views on Post Colonialism. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(8):218-219.