Vol. 4, Issue 9, Part C (2018)
Effectiveness of individual teaching programme on knowledge and skill regarding podiatric care among diabetic clients
Effectiveness of individual teaching programme on knowledge and skill regarding podiatric care among diabetic clients
Shreekant Savakar, Ravikumar Metri and Amitkumar
Aim: To find out the effectiveness of individual teaching programme on knowledge and skill regarding podiatric care among diabetic clients. Settings and design: setting of the study is selected village of Horti PHC. Methods and material: By using Non probability purposive sampling technique considered that 50 Diabetic clients are samples. Statistical analysis used: As a descriptive statistics mean, median, standard deviation was used and as an inferential statistics to find the significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge and skill of podiatric care t test was used and unpaired t test was used to compare the difference knowledge and skill regarding the podiatric care. Results: The study results shows that 78% of clients are having Average knowledge regarding podiatric care in pre-test and in post-test 50% of clients having good knowledge among podiatric care. In pre-test of skill group 43% having average skill among podiatric care where as in post-test 56% clients having good skill among podiatric care. The calculated t value shows that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test effect of knowledge on podiatric care (t49=33.8, df49= 2.011) and pre-test and post-test effect of skill on podiatric care is (t49=24.37, df49=2.011). Conclusions: The finding of the study supports the effectiveness of individual teaching programme is increasing the knowledge and skill regarding podiatric care among Diabetic clients.
How to cite this article:
Shreekant Savakar, Ravikumar Metri, Amitkumar. Effectiveness of individual teaching programme on knowledge and skill regarding podiatric care among diabetic clients. Int J Appl Res 2018;4(9):144-151.