Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A (2019)
A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on knowledge, attitude and practice regarding national immunization schedule among mothers of under-five children in selected area
A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on knowledge, attitude and practice regarding national immunization schedule among mothers of under-five children in selected area
Pritimala A Bankar and Dr. Khurshid Jamadar
AbstractIntroduction: The effect of structured teaching programme on knowledge, attitude and practice regarding national immunization schedule among mothers of under-five children in selected area. The conceptual frame work of the present study is based on the General System Theory by ludwig von betalanffy (1968).
Material and Methodology: The research approach used was evaluative, design used was Pre experimental one group pretest post-test research design, and purposive sampling technique was used for sample selection. The samples were selected from the selected area of pimpri pune. The samples consisted of 50 mothers of under-five children who fulfilled criteria set by the investigator. The tool consisted of 4 sections: Section-I consist of demographic data of mothers of under-five children Section-II consist of a structured questionnaire Section-III consist of 5 point likert scale to assess the attitude Section-IV consist of observational checklist to assess the practices. The content validity was determined by the experts. The reliability of the tool was done by using spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and split half method and was found to be 0.98
Result: Analysis of data related to knowledge. In pretest, 64% and in post-test 6(12%) had poor knowledge, In pre-test 26% and in post test13(26%) had had average knowledge, In pre-test 10% and in post test 19(38%) had good knowledge and none but in post test 12(24%) had excellent knowledge score.
Conclusion: The result of the present study shows that there is a difference between pre-test and post-test level of knowledge, attitude and practice score which was found to be significant and positive in correlation after implementation of health teaching on national immunization schedule. This result shows that health teaching is effective for improving knowledge, attitude and practice of mother of under-five children.
How to cite this article:
Pritimala A Bankar, Dr. Khurshid Jamadar. A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on knowledge, attitude and practice regarding national immunization schedule among mothers of under-five children in selected area. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(1):27-31.