Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part E (2019)
Problems of flood in Bihar review of measures of controls
Problems of flood in Bihar review of measures of controls
Dr. Shyam Balak Yadav
People have usually know the shifting and sitting of the rivers to be the main cause of floods. But is this the case with only rivers of Bihar or with all the rivers elsewhere? Then why is it that Bihar faces floods year after year? When we easily say that the continuous silting has made the rivers shallow and losing their depth they are unable to face the forceful rain during the monsoons which in turn result in the spread of water on the plains breaking its banks. Then here why do we miss to mention the human faults, which have hampered the natural resources by shifting forests in large quantities? People, since ancient period, have been struggling with severe forms of flood and making balanced adjustment with dangerous trends of flood. O Malley observes, “Thousands of years people have seen the indecent form of flood.” Flood is closely attached with human beings in Bihar since long years. It is not that their roots right from the beginning. The economists took the pains of evaluating only the economic factors that played role in the problem leaving aside the non-economic factors. In fact, these non-economic factors have always played a major role from behind the curtain having more differing in to this perspective then it will appear as something different or say, the same old book with a new cover yet to be unveiled.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shyam Balak Yadav. Problems of flood in Bihar review of measures of controls. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(1):437-439.