AbstractIntroduction: Yoga is an ancient science based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind and spirit. The ultimate goal of Yoga is ‘Salvation’ (i.e Kavalya/Moksha) through ‘Self-realization.’ In modern world the essence and motive of the great Indian philosophy of Yoga has changed and shrink only up to health and wellbeing. Its ultimate aim has been forgotten. So the only aspects related to physical, physiological and psychological health and well being comes under the preview of modern Yoga. Many scientific researches asserted that a regular and disciplined yoga practice may immensely helpful in improving physical, physiological and psychological functions. This study aimed at assessing the effect of Asanas and Pranayamas on the cardio-vascular efficiency of adolescent girls.
Material and Methods: This is an experimental study with pre & post-test experimental design. Through purposive sampling a group of 45 volunteer girl students of age group 12-15 years of standard VIIth to Xth are selected. These subjects are randomly divided into three equal groups of 15 subjects each. Besides general warming up, Group A and B have gone through yogic exercises for one hour daily in morning for 6 days a week during twelve-week training program under strict supervision of the researcher. Group A (Asana group) has given some select Yogasanas, Group B (Pranayama and Kriya group) has given some select Pranayamas and Kapalbhati Kriya, and Group C is a controlled group and has not given any type of exercise except general warming-up exercises. All the three groups have been pre-tested and post-tested for select physiological component viz. Cardio-vascular fitness. The change in the dependent variable is credited to the particular exercises given to the groups.
Results: For Asana Group as well as Pranayama-Kriya Group, the t-value is found statistically highly significant at 5% level of significance for 14 degree of freedom.
The calculated F-value [F (0.05, 2, 42) = 26.42, p = 0.00] of post-tests is found statistically significant. So the post-tests mean differences between the groups are significant.
Conclusion: The present study showed that there is a significant effect of Yogic training on the Cardio-vascular efficiency of girl-students. Both Asanas as well as Pranayamas are beneficial in improving cardio-vascular efficiency. Pranayamas and Kapalbhati Kriya are little bit more effective than Asanas in enhancing Cardio-vascular efficiency of girl-students.