Vol. 5, Issue 10, Part C (2019)
Relation between dyslipidemia and obesity: A concise review
Relation between dyslipidemia and obesity: A concise review
Dr. Md. Irshad Hussain and Dr. Sazid Alam
Dyslipidemia is a pathological condition in which lipid levels are deranged and it is a major health problem leading to dreadful complications if untreated. Presently its prevalence is high in developed countries especially in women. Concept of dyslipidemia does not exist in classical test but resemble sign and symptoms are described under the description of Samin-e-mufrit and Unani Physician recommended various drugs for its management. Therefore, it was determine to correlate between dyslipidemia and obesity, whereas Unani physicians well described etiology, pathophysiology, clinical features and there management with the help of package treatment i.e., Dietotherapy, Regimes and Pharmacotherapy.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Md. Irshad Hussain, Dr. Sazid Alam. Relation between dyslipidemia and obesity: A concise review. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(10):175-179.