Vol. 5, Issue 11, Part D (2019)
A study on buying practices of China products: Consumer perspectives
A study on buying practices of China products: Consumer perspectives
Dr. M Renukadevi and GA Hema
In recent years, government-claimed growth numbers have come under increased scrutiny, with both native and foreign financial and economic observers, as well as Chinese government officials, claiming that the government has been overstating its economic output. China products are equally competing the Indian market since 1991. Indian products do face the problem of high making changes comparatively with the china product. Many attempts have been made to improve the Indian economy and out of all the liberalization of the economy is the highlight. This invited foreign goods to the Indian market.
How to cite this article:
Dr. M Renukadevi, GA Hema. A study on buying practices of China products: Consumer perspectives. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(11):205-207.